Worm Fusion
Available exclusively through Mekong Trading who are Specialists in trading agriculture commodities from the USA to Asia, and ship produce, rice, tea, and coffee from Vietnam to the world.
Available in 55-gallon drum & 285-gallon tote
So, why does Worm Fusion work so well? In short, because it is loaded naturally with minerals like Calcium, Potassium as well as organic matter. All of which, coincidentally, are the most critical nutrients utilized by plants as they grow. Using Worm Fusion, you get the nutrients and minerals of an amazing fertilizer, while also depositing essential organic matter into the soil. Also, aides in Moisture Retention. Trees are known for stretching their roots out to great distances in order to absorb essential water necessary for growth. Call +1-657-229-3636 or go to https://www.mekongtrading.us/